
Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Definitions

The following definitions are from 40 CFR 80.1401

[Code of Federal Regulations][Title 40, Volume 16] [Revised as of July 1, 2010]


Advanced Biofuel

Renewable fuel, other than ethanol derived from cornstarch, that has lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions that are at  least 50 percent less than baseline lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions.



A mono-alkyl ester that meets ASTM D 6751 (incorporated by reference).



A mixture of hydrocarbons that is a gas at 60 degrees Fahrenheit and 1 atmosphere of pressure that is produced through the conversion of organic matter. Only biogas that is used as renewable fuel can generate Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs). Biogas includes propane, landfill gas, manure digester gas, and sewage waste treatment gas.


Biomass-Based Diesel

A renewable fuel that has lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions that are at least 50 percent less than baseline lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions and meets all of the requirements of paragraph (1) of this definition:

(1)(i)    Is a transportation fuel, transportation fuel additive, heating oil, or jet fuel.

(ii)   Meets the definition of either biodiesel or non-ester renewable diesel.

(iii)  Is registered as a motor vehicle fuel or fuel additive under 40 CFR part 79, if the fuel or fuel additive is intended for use in a motor vehicle.

(2) Renewable fuel that is co-processed with petroleum is not biomass-based diesel.


Cellulosic Biofuel

Renewable fuel derived from any cellulose, hemi-cellulose, or lignin that has lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions that are at least 60 percent less than the baseline lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions.


Cellulosic Diesel

Any renewable fuel which meets both the definitions of cellulosic biofuel and biomass-based diesel, as defined above. Cellulosic diesel includes heating oil and jet fuel made from cellulosic feedstocks.


Renewable Biomass

Any of the following (including any incidental, de minimis contaminants that are impractical to remove and are related to customary feedstock production and transport):

(1) Planted crops and crop residue harvested from existing agricultural land cleared or cultivated prior to December 19, 2007 and that was nonforested and either actively managed or fallow on December 19, 2007.

(2) Planted trees and tree residue from a tree plantation located on non-federal land (including land belonging to an Indian tribe or an Indian individual that is held in trust by the U.S.or subject to a restriction against alienation imposed by the U.S.) that was cleared at any time prior to December 19, 2007 and actively managed on December 19, 2007.

(3) Animal waste material and animal byproducts.

(4) Slash and pre-commercial thinnings from non-federal forestland (including forestland belonging to an Indian tribe or an Indian individual, that are held in trust by the United States or subject to a restriction against alienation imposed by the United States) that is not ecologically sensitive forestland.

(5) Biomass (organic matter that is available on a renewable or recurring basis) obtained from the immediate vicinity of buildings and other areas regularly occupied by people, or of public infrastructure, in an area at risk of wildfire.

(6) Algae.

(7) Separated yard waste or food waste, including recycled cooking and trap grease, and materials described in Sec. 80.1426(f)(5)(i).


Renewable Fuel

A fuel which meets all of the requirements of paragraph (1) of this definition:

(1)(i)   Fuel that is produced from renewable biomass.

(ii)  Fuel that is used to replace or reduce the quantity of fossil fuel present in a transportation fuel, heating oil, or jet fuel.

(iii)  Has lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions that are at least 20 percent less than baseline lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions, unless the fuel is exempt from this requirement pursuant to Sec. 80.1403.

(2) Ethanol covered by this definition shall be denatured as required and defined in 27 CFR parts 19 through 21. Any volume of denaturant added to the undenatured ethanol by a producer or importer in excess of 2 volume percent shall not be included in the volume of ethanol for purposes of determining compliance with the requirements under this subpart. 




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